I am so excited to have a blog of my own to share our adoption story! Thank you to Jen from" The Art of Living" creative blog designs. She put this blog together for me and since I'm not computer savvy in the least bit, I never could have done it without her!
Our story actually started in June of '09. John and I heard two very convicting sermons. One challenged us on how we spent our money and the other on making our faith real to our kids. We didn't always think this way. Before these sermons, we were just plugging along like most Americans thinking about bigger houses and planning the next vacation. Both John and I felt a God stirring our hearts and we started praying that God would open our eyes to what ministry He wanted us to get involved with. We realized that God had blessed us so much with four wonderful kids, a great home and job, but we felt we needed to share these blessings more with others. One night, friends of ours challenged us to consider adoption and pointed out God's heart for the orphan. When challenged, I told them we couldn't adopt because I home school.
We began a very prayerful journey with our kids early last fall. Coincidentally, our precious niece Bella came home from China at that same time. We've prayed about everything from what agency to use, to what country to adopt from, and of course for God to lead us the child He wants us to raise. In January, we started our paperwork for a special needs adoption from China for a little girl, 0-2. Now our paperwork should go to China this week and we are hoping for a referral for a child soon after.
We are so humbled to honored to let God use us in raising another precious child. We would love it if you would pray along with us as we go down this road. I don't think it will be easy, but there's already a joy I can't put into words.